Terms and Conditions of Use / Service Agreement

Service Agreement
This Service Agreement outlines the terms and conditions for using our services. By visiting or making purchases, you agree to these terms.

Medical Disclaimer
The information on this site is not intended as medical advice or a substitute for professional treatment. Always consult your physician before starting any diet, exercise, or nutrition plan. This site does not replace professional medical guidance, and you should seek advice from a healthcare provider for any health-related questions. If you are pregnant, nursing, have eating disorders, allergies to peanuts, or diabetes, do not follow any recommended programs. If you have already joined a program and fall into these categories, please contact us immediately to cancel your membership.

Acceptance of Terms
If you do not agree with these terms, do not use the site. The content provided is for informational purposes only.

Age Restrictions
You must be 18 or older to purchase products or services. Children under 13 are not permitted to use this site. Those aged 13 to 18 should seek parental permission before accessing the site.

Privacy Policy
Review our Privacy Policy to understand our practices regarding your data.

Electronic Communications
By using the site or submitting forms, you consent to receive electronic communications from us. These may include emails, texts, or notices posted on the site. Such communications will fulfill any legal requirement for written notices.

Site Use License
You are granted a limited, personal license to access and use the site. You may not download, modify, or commercially exploit the content without permission. Unauthorized use terminates this license. You may link to our homepage if it’s not misleading or offensive, but you cannot use our trademarks without permission.

Contact Us
For inquiries, please use the contact form on our site.

Disclaimers and Limitations
Use of this site is at your own risk. We do not guarantee uninterrupted service or the accuracy of information. We disclaim all warranties, and we are not liable for any damages resulting from the use of this site or its content. Our liability is limited to the amount you paid for any product or service in question.

Third-Party Content
We are not responsible for third-party content on our site or linked sites. Any opinions or advice from third parties are not endorsed by us. We are not liable for any issues resulting from reliance on third-party information.

Links to Other Sites
We are not responsible for the content or actions of third-party sites. Review their privacy policies and terms before interacting with them.

Copyright and Trademarks
All content on this site is copyrighted and protected by law. Unauthorized use will be pursued. Our trademarks are protected, and any use of them requires permission.

You agree to indemnify and hold us harmless from any claims or damages resulting from your use of the site or violation of these terms.

Governing Law
This agreement is governed by the laws of Costa Rica. Any disputes will be handled there, and you consent to this jurisdiction.

In any legal action related to this site, the prevailing party may recover legal costs. We may update these terms, and your continued use constitutes acceptance of those changes. If any part of these terms is deemed invalid, the remaining terms will still apply.

Idea Submissions
We do not accept unsolicited ideas. Any ideas sent will become our property, and we may use them without compensation. If you have feedback on our products or services, please submit it via the contact form, but do not include ideas that our policy does not permit.

Refunds are available within 60 days of purchase. Returned items must be undamaged, and you are responsible for return shipping. Refunds do not cover shipping or handling fees. 

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FDA Compliance
All the content on this page is for informational purposes only and should not be taken as medical advice. These statements have not been reviewed by the FDA. Please consult with a qualified healthcare professional before starting any new supplement or changing your diet or exercise routine. Results may differ from person to person.

Displaying third-party trademarks and brand names here does not imply endorsement or affiliation with our site. If you make a purchase through a link on this page, we may receive a commission from the merchant.

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